Sunday, March 14, 2010

I'm a new techno geek

Well after five months in school I have done it, I am a techno geek. My brother was out this weekend with his income tax money and bought me a BRAND NEW Intel Pentium LAPTOP computer!!! $800 later, I sit on my couch tonight and type this for all of you, Thanks Bro I love you! He really at tmes can be the greatest there is.

He was the one in August when I enrolled and said "Girl, you need an Ipod every college kid has one" I was like oh lord I don;t need that and now all this time later he was right I LOVE the thing and never really listen to the radio anymore! I am sure he will be right about this laptop too, that I will in time love it. He has been talking about since August and frankly I do not have that kind of money so G-d am I grateful beyond words,

He also bought me a used dress from we found for $60 and gave me the money I needed to get my sewing machine serviced before my fashion studio classes in June. I owe him big huh!

There are some things I have to get use to with a laptop versus a desktop computer, the biggest is no mouse but I am sure I will adjust. The keys seem a tiny bit smaller or maybe its because they lay flat but so far now almost 4 hours later after getting it, I love it!

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