Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day and "Rainbow"

Well top o' the morning all ye lads and lassies that read this blog and Happy St. Patrick's Day.  Started this morning with my gluten sin for the month with Irish raisin bread with jelly with my breakfast.  What kind of Irish man would I be without Irish raisin bread.  I am born into a very large Irish family on both sides versus the one time a year Irishmen that many people are on St. Patrick's day.

The family's name on my great-great mothers side was O' Patty while on my fathers side my great-fandfather came from Cork County Ireland and his last name before reaching Ellis Island and changing it was O'Daley so as you can see hit from both sides .   I am however one of the unfortunate as I really now nothing of my Irish heritage and there are many times I wish I did.

On to the rainbow----"Rainbow: The Stormy Life of Judy Garland" by Christopher Finch which I just finished reading this incredible book about--of course Judy.  I can never get my hands on enough things about Judy, who I should point out was I believe also IRISH!  Anyway, this book was pubished by Grosset & Dunlap Publishers New York in 1975.  Designed by Will Hopkins this book is 255 pages long and is just CRAMMED with photographs and all of this wonderful information about the life, times, trials, triumphs and the end of Judy Garland.  If you have read any of the books by John Fricke, this book is not quite that caliber in my opinion but this book does its very best to tell Judy's story from an unbiased, non-judgemental point of view and does succeed in doing so.

The version I have is the second printing and is paperback.  I can not remember where I bought it or how much I paid unfortunately but I do because of school it took some to read, because of all my homework. I would highly recommend this book to any serious collection of Judy or Wizard Of Oz items and to wish you happy hunting finding it.

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