Saturday, April 17, 2010

Crazy last four days

Sorry for the lack of posts over the last four or five days.  Four of those days was working like crazy to gert my look done for the Habitat Show and with only 5 hours of sleep each night its amazing I am still upright.  The Habitat Show had some really incredible stuff and some stuff that for me personally I just did not get but hey isn't that fashion to begin with . The crowd was large and even though we as the designers were limited to the back stage it was successful.  I did not place but hey that happens to will have to post the incredibly hot photos from my look Angela Pino my model just rocked the whole motorcycle goth chic bitch look like nobody else.  That girl was all attitude and I loved it and her for it.  Angela your the greatest. (The photograph on the side is from an old Jean Paul Gaultier Show)

The downer was out of all the people I invited to this event and kids it was a slew not one single person was there!  Jim didn't come even as I had to be at KSU so early and he doesn't drive at night anymore but, kids I have to be honest I was crushed.  Actually last night after  the show I just creid myself to sleep.  I have never felt so alone in all my life.  It still seems like everything design wise is still looking good and I have never felt better about that and my grades well my G-d they are some of the best I have had, yet I feel the way I do.

Its like my personal life is lacking somehow, its hard to explain and hopefully this makes sense but I jsut feel empty somehow.  I go Monday to campus to get some hep with the dvd I have to do for Project Runway and then off in the mail it goes.  Please somehow keep me in your thoguhts as I would love to make the cut.

Well until next time, I am so glad we have had this time together

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