Thursday, May 13, 2010

The fashion G-ds are smiling on me today

Well today I was blessed as some would say, as the fashion g-ds were in a good mood and something told me to stop at my local Goodwill today. Goodwill is something I rarely do, even though for the most part all of my clothes are from there.

Anyway today I stopped in, first time in like 4 months and there they were, with divine heavenly light beaming on them as if it was a divine epithany and I heard angels singing.... PRADA. Oh my g-d I nearly peed myself. This "girl" has adored designer hand bags since I could walk and not just one divine Prada purse but 2. It was almost orgasamic and kids I had not even looked at the price yet.

Well let me tell you when I flipped over the price tag I thought I had literally died and went to gay designer heaven---$20.00 a piece. Oh my g-d I felt faint, get the smelling salts louise she is going down fast and going down hard, her eyes are rolling back, her knees are weak. I had a hard time deciding Green or Pink Prada, what was a girl to do. Funds have been very tight ,as I have been saving every penny for summer semester, and I picked green like I needed a green Prada bag like i needed a hole in my head. I get to the register and she is is like "I am so sorry sir we don't take checks". Oh $%#& me, that was the first thought that came to my head. I drove home found three dollars and the I got the mail. BINGO

More smiling fashion g-d stuff our state taxes came in!! I bought BOTH! I e-mailed a fellow fashionista to see if she is interested in the pink one, hell I may just give it to her if she wants it badly enough---Good Fashion karma you know, and besides she is an absolute sweetheart. I am sure if Jim reads this he is going to shoot me in the head with a bazakoo at close range, but this girl COULD NOT pass up PRADA! It seems very much the real deal and not cheapy knock-offs either, hell the green one had an additional longer strap still in the flipping tissue!

Will more than likely wear the green Prada this weekend to Cleveland Fashion Week and kids I will be working that damn bag for all it is worth, I don't care if I come off faggoty or not. Regularly Prada is no less than $350 for cloth, and kids mine are leather so you now I will wear mine out if possible!

I know this post seems a little campy and way over the top, but kids designer labels and foodstamp prices for those labels get me all a twitter and kids I don't mean texting either .  So if the fashion g-ds arelistening I would love to find afforable real deal CHANEL!

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