Saturday, May 29, 2010

Janet Jackson

I know I am alittle slowon this one but kids did you all catch the INCREDIBLE Janet Jackson on American Idol? Made the Whole damn season inmy opinion and girl was just absolutely positively BEYOND FIERCE! Girl had it going on letme tell, this divas younger than she is better watch it Cuz its all about Ms. Jackson.

In ohter news I thought I wold mix up up on this blog and joined where you my readers may ask me anything , yes even anonymously and I will answer you, the best way I know how. That is by being an open book and speaking honestly. Sometime maybe brutally honest but you will know what I am thinking. Answers will be served here. Hope you enjoy the new feature.

My blood tets are back and the results are TERRIBLE. T-cells are 72 and a viral load of over 9,000----not good at all. Doctor says I am open to anything that comes my way and run the risk with my counts this low developing brain lesions--F&%king delightful huh. Partially my fault as I missed some of my doses and I yes new better. Mornings are the ones I miss, if I miss but no more of that happy s&*t.

This boy needs to be in fashion and possible brain lesions ain't on the damn menu. Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together

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