Saturday, May 15, 2010

More thoughts on Taylor Hicks and me

I don't want people thinking I was being a "big bitchy drama queen" about Taylor Hicks, I would just assume that if "they wanted you to buy his CD first" they would have announced it from the stage thats all. When I asked about meeting him the "bitchy" manager said rather snottily "If you want him autographing anything you have to buy the CD.  Thats when I asked we can't just say hello? Maybe the manager should have thought I didn't want an autograph, maybe I just wanted to meet him, say Hi I am a fan of yours and I enjoy your music. Once again told rather snottily "No, you have to buy a CD" and she stormed off--- in  a cloud of green smoke I swear to g-d .  Then the whole Taylor Hicks look as I know he heard me asking about just meeting him and nothing more, as no one other than Jim, the manager, and a Playhouse volunteer were standing there near him.  It just realy rubbed me the wrong way.  I would understand if it had not been for all the flying attitudes, and believe me mine wasn't one of them as that is not my style in public, my thoughts were not until I did the post here. 

Maybe I was in the wrong just wanting to meet someone, but I have meet slews of big name people including but not limited to the incredible Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Former Vice President Al Gore and had lunch with the late Seantor Ted Kenedy in the Seantors Dining Room to name just a few.  So I know it isn't me.  

I have paid once to meet someone and it was Martha Stewart at Williams Sonoma but WS made it very clear in order to meet her you had to buy her newest book and then only 300 people would meet her.  Well I was number one in that line and honey Martha was a delight.  But you know something Williams Sonoma had to make their money back somehow, someway. Like I said it just really sat wrong for some reason.  Well I just wanted to clear that up and once again I am sorry if I came off as bitchy, that wasn't the intention.


  1. AnonymousMay 15, 2010

    Taylor made a one day trip from Cleveland to Birmingham and back to play in a charity golf tournament this week. Thought you might like to read this message I just got.
    she said he was on a really tight schedule and didn't have as much time as he did last year to interact with fans.
    But get this.......there was a group of children there with Down's Syndrome and when Taylor got to that tee, he immediately went over to that school group and visited with the kids and signed things for them.


    Doubt their pockets were full of money.
    Its only fair to let the people who pay get what they want. But I know from experience that he usually gets around to everyone if they are patient. But whatever, dude.

  2. AnonymousMay 15, 2010

    Hmmm. Did you consider that maybe Taylor was frowning because of the way his manager was acting, not because you wanted to say "hi" without buying something? It's just a thought. He is usually very open & very appreciative of his fans.
