Sunday, June 13, 2010

An apology about the lack of posts

I have to start by saying how badly I feel about missing two days worth of blogging, but kids whatever is going on besides my f&*ked up counts I am not getting over it.  The last two days have been just awful.  Jim drove me down to Amish country as I slept in the back seat.  We met with friend Penny of "Harwood Candles" as she had me do some design work for some labels for this new line of tincan candles she wants to do.  Which I think are going to be very nice--- I would do anything for Penny and I hope she knows that.  I have a few freinds like that, where I would crawl through volcanic lava for them.

We had lunch, Jim drove back and I slept even more.  We went and got the fabirc last night for my first sewing assignment for the semester, which is children's wear.  We came home had left overs for supper and I was in bed by 8 p.m. and slept till 8:30 this morning.  This is NOT ME in any way!

What the hell am I going to do!  Classes begin TOMORROW!  I can't even go the whole day without laying down and with classes from 8:30 to 4:30 I am terrified out of my mind that I am going to end up in the hospital by or before fall because of the schedule.  I can't drop the classes this late in the game I have around $2,400 of my own personal money wrapped into this and without a guarantee of how much I would get back I feel like I have no choice.  For me that might as well be $10,000 considering how hard I worked to get it and now to be this sick is so damn frustrating.

If all else fails I take Fall off and recover, rebuild and regroup but g-d I really don't want that either.  I feel like I have no options.  Jim thinks I will not notice how tired and ill feeling I am once I am back in classes and personally unless my fairy godmother shows up I hope Jim is right.  I guess all I really ask of you my readers is pray that somehow a miracle happens and this just all goes away.  Going to try to get into the doctors if I can Tuesday or Wednesday but it also means missing some classes.

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