Friday, June 4, 2010

A creature of a different species

I am really beginning to wonder if I am some odball, screwed up, over emotional alien from some other planet because it seems like other people look at me as if to say "what are you talking about or have you gone quite mad"?  Here are some examples all said to different family, friends and what not that fit this example......

1. That which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.  So the hardship, the trial, the horror even, helps form the way we think, respond grow and plan is all based on that which doesn't kill us. It molds us and shapes us.

2.  If you are to have a completely honest realtionship you have to be able to say anything, no matter what.  Honesty is what helps build who you were, who you are, who we will be.  By being honest and baring ourselves so openly the responses we get back are just the same thing honest and soul baring,  I personally would give everything to have a completley, brutually honest relationship with just one person. 

3.  True love no matter what, even death, NEVER ends.  It changes, it expands, it grows.  Life also goes on and the things around us change and someone may come into your life and you love them as well.  Not in the same way as the old love but with what there is shared between the new someone and you.  You can never fully duplicate any relationship--that my friend makes any relationship precious almost sacred.  It is just ours.

Well you kind of get the idea hopefully.  Because these ideas when presented they were completely lost on the people I shared them with.  Maybe they just aren't ready to hear it, maybe they all ready know or maybe simply their experience is completely different than mine.  maybe they didn't givea sh&t.  It just today got to be very bothersome today for some reason.  Until next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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