Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome June

Welcome the month of June, doesn't seem that late in to the 2010 year does it. So much goes on in June too.  School starts up on the 14th, June is the anniversary of both Judy Garland's birth and death.  Gay Pride is in the month of June and the anniversary of the Stonewall.  For some people it means graduation parties to attend, weddings to be at and for me my nephew's birthday.  School by itself will keep me very busy I know that for sure.  I want today and two of five books I need for the semester.

I want to give a brief book review.  Something I just finished and is a "Fashion Inside Out" he basically walks you through every step of the process from idea to selling it.  Beautifully photographed and incredibly laid out I feel this is a must have for a serious fashion library.  I found mine on E-bay for $40.  He talks about a lot of trade secrets to and includes how you can do it yourself as well which is a priceless addition to your skills. So you may want to try to find this for yourself.

I really want to encourage you me of my readers to take advantage of the formspring form and to ask me anything and even ask anonymously if you like--it may give all of you my readers a better glimpse into you I am and how I think.

Well I am back on my feet my posts maybe short and hopefully this doesn't go on forever.  So until next time I am so glad we had this together.

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