Monday, July 5, 2010

John Galliano Spring 2011

Ok it has been a few days posting anything fashion wise so here we go the best of the best (in my opinion) John Galliano who by the way also designs the Dior line.  There is not one single piece here that I am showing that I personally would not wear, this is how much I LOVE the stuff.  John hit the nail on the head with this one!  I especially love the Buster Keaton inspired straw hats and the one with the "veil" OH MY G-D can we talk abot adoring this!

On a personal note things have been really slow recovering wise.  The pains in my chest are about the same and between that and some painful breathing it has really screwed with my balance so for the time beingI am with a can, I guess my own fashion statement.  Two years ago it screwed with my balanceso bad I fell 13 times in 11 days.  Don't necessarily want to repeat that.

Ohio the last few days has had an unbearable heatwave with horrid humidity which of course makes my chest hurt even worse so my dad to day put in the bed room air conditioner which is where I sit tonight and blog from.  I have a ladies suit idea in my head I want to start in a few days and will post here once it is done.

In the mean time I am wondering if I should go back to more about talking about Oz?  Any thoughts any body?  Or should I try and run 2 blogs ?  Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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