Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Martha

You know I love a good diva as much as the next gay guy and my lifetime idol has always been, and always will be the ever glamorous, utterly charming and delightful Martha Stewart.

Martha Stewart (who turned 69 yesterday) is one of those people you either love or hate - I happen to fall into the " uber idol worship love" category. She's a uber perfectionist, she's uber pretentious, and she can be an uber biatch - but Martha embraces all of these character traits and has made an uber fortune because of them and many a gay man alive worship her for it. Martha Stewart doesn't try to be something she's not, which has worked quite well for her thus far and since prison has become quite humorous.

And let's not forget that Ms. Stewart served 5 months in federal prison (on some uber B.S. charges I might add) without crying or moaning about any of it - unlike these uber messy D-list starlets who sob at the thought of a WEEKEND in lockup. Martha could teach Lindsay a thing or two about "manning up and taking one for the better good" - and then she could show her how to make a lovely dried floral arrangement for her foyer.

You may also want to check out my post a few years back when I actually got to meet the domestic goddess near my birthday.  It was a chance experience I will never forget and Martha, left me a bigger fan than ever before.  So Martha, dahling if your listening I hope your birthday was just as uber fab-u-lous just as you are--love ya, always will.

Anyway, check out this video of outtakes/bloopers from Martha Stewart's TV show, when things didn't go exactly as Martha had planned...

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