Saturday, August 14, 2010

News for the day

Well last night was date night for us and we had dinner at Anthe's in Manchester, and kids if you have never been the food is out of this world terrific your tongue will do cartwheels.  After dinner I treated Jim to "Eat, Pray, Love" at the movies of course.  Neither Jim nor I have read the book but after the movie it is now at the top of my must read list.  What a great movie, what an inspiring story and the visuals are just stunning.  A MUST SEE movie in my opinion.

This afternoon Jim and I went to Little Italy (Cleveland West side) for the Feast of the Assumption.  We had this incredible dinner I had the clams and linguini, my big gluten sin for the month.  And piggie me at every last drop it .  There was the horrid almost monsoon rain for about a half hour which we got utterly drench in and now I am sneezing my head off.  Other than that a really great time.

I want to take some time tomorrow and blog about what I walked away feeling about "Eat, Pray, Love".  So until next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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