Sunday, August 29, 2010

Well school officially starts for me tomorrow at noon with my first class, which is College Writing 2 and which lasts an hour. We meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Stark Campus and then I am at the Kent Campus Tuesdays and Thursdays for Sewing 1 and Fashion Visualization.

I am realy looking forward to the semester since I was sick for the summer one and had to drop out. I am really looking forward to the writing class if I have to be honest. Maybe I will find more of my voice. I will I know feel like I am back on track making my dream of a college education happen.

Today was rather quite as I have felt just a tad under the weather, I don't think it is anything serious I just feel more tired out than usual, hopefully I can get a good nights sleep. Well I didn't get all the doll work done like I wanted to which has me somewhat depressed but I know I will in time. I do have a dress started that is nice and will be part of a possible trunk show I amthinking of doing around my birthday if I can pull it off. Maybe 4-5 designs on top of the two from previous outfits that I did for charity. Will keep you posted.

Not much else here, looking forward to the Awards show tonight, I think the Emmy's if I remember right and I will probably do a post about my favorite outfits from it.

Until then I am so glad we had this time together.

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