Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Its hard to try to describe the situation I am in right now.  I want to join  Delta Lambda Phi, the "gay" fraternity but I am have also been approached by two other fraternities to join them. The gay frat is more of a social thing where I could realistically build some good friendships with a small group of guys. The Honors Frat are based on my over all Grades and other factors in order to belong plus them inviting you.  One is a national one with scholarships and big time speakers the other is an on campus group not nearly as big as the other.  The smaller honors frat meets tomorrow while the national one meets next week.

To make matters worse, I have paid the $100 fee to the national one already because I felt so honored just being asked. Part of the problem is most frat meetings are Sunday's so I more than likely couldn't do all three and it is on days  am not even at Kent for classes.  I guess I have decided to gather the information on both Honor's groups before Imake a decision, but right now Iam leaning to the one I have already paid.  That and the other factor is how thin do I spread myself

The Fashion Student Organization I can belong and choose the fashion shows I want to be in, but the meetings for this semester I CAN NOT attend because I am in class till 6:30 and FSO meets at 5:30.  So I will just do the shows.

In a way its nice being wanted by so many people but in an other way its overwhelming. I think I may also sit down with a student advisor and see what they think.  Jim is worried about my spreading myself to thin, overwhelming myself and of course with winter coming on about my possible health issues.  In one way its rather nice being cared about so much, in another its not so hot, its very hard to try to explain it.  I know he cares, but there are times I wish their was more input what he would do if he was in my shoes.  Maybe I expect to much?  ould anybody give that kind of advice?  Will keep you posted how things progress.

Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together!

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