Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Dream is a Wish your heart makes

I have said it before, and I will say it again, that the dreams that you have at night while fast asleep are really a gate way into your soul.  It is a window into your deepest wishes, wants and desires.  First off let me say I have not been sleeping well at all for over a week.  I get about four hours if I am lucky and frankly I feel like it has me rather short with people and very forgetful.

With that said last night I was so pleased because I got my full eight hours.  Partially I think because I think I took a pain pill because my chest and legs were killing me.  Same old sh*t that I talk about from time to time that I think largely is Fibromyalgia related.  But with pain pill in toe I slept like a baby and dreamt for the first time in months.

In my dream I was upstairs in my studio, which in my dream was MUCH bigger than it is now, and in walks Chairce who I mentioned yesterday's post.  She wants me to design her entire new upcoming concert.  Needless to say I was some what stunned, she said twenty outfits that fit the songs and mood she wants to convery.  I asked "when she needed them" she said five months away.  I called for my assistant, in dreams I guess I have an assitant.  I can't remember HIS name but he was tall, dashing and simply brillant.  I said " we have our work cut out for us but I know we can do it.

While the three of us were chatting in walks, honest to G-d Celine Dion.  I about pissed myself.  She walks over to me kisses me on both cheeks like the French do.  She is flawlessly gorgeous of course and says "Charles darling, I need you to design this Red Carpet affair for the upcoming Music Awards thing I am nominated for and Charice told me what a genius you are do you think you can" all of course with a French accent that is very seductive. I smiled so sweetly and said "Of course anything for you mon cherie."

I awoke briefly and very shortly fell asleep This time I was in a much larger space than even the dream before that is apprently my studio and I am sitting at my fabric table with the legendary icon Carol Burnett.  "Darling, I have this huge Kennedy's Honor event coming up where they are giving me this huge award and well you know Bob Mackie has retired a little bit ago.  I hear it gets no better than you.  Can you and would you design a gown of exquiste quality for this gala event?  Celione Dion raved so much about you darling, it was so sweet and charming.  I blushed.  I sat tearing up, "Carol I would be delighted."

In walks honest to G-d Gay Super Icon and Fierce Goddess herself CHER!  I fainted, deadway.  Carol Burnett picks me up, dust me off.  "Darling, get it together.  I hope you don't mind but I called my friend Cher and said to meet us here."  I sat crying.  Cher in typical Cher fashion walks over and bitch slaps me right across the face and says "Snap out of it" ala Moonstruck.  I apologize.  I am sorry Cher but I have adored you all my life and now you are standing in MY STUDIO.

"Yeah well, duh darling.  Carol said I had to see you and so did Celine.  I have this upcoming one night concert affair I am doing in Vegas darling and well I want you to do all the sets, costumes and even some publicity outfits for the show.  I fainted again. Cher brought me to my feet.  "Darling, the fainting is growing old." She smiles "But it is flattering, g-d knows I love my gays." 

I awoke my pillow was damp, apparently I was having some minor night sweats.  I am was smiling though, crying too.  I know its just a dream but it all seemed so real.  It seemed as if I was really in their presence.  Like all the hard work was paying off.  Somebody finally HAD NOTICED me!

1 comment:

  1. I want to have dreams like yours! When you make it big, you better remember me!

    Stacey Kay
    "Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration"
