Sunday, September 19, 2010

I can't believe this is post 501, where does the time go?  Somehow you all have been reading along, changes and all from those early days of doom and gloom that the posts where to the postings about Wizard of Oz and collecting to now fashion.  You my readers have been faithful and somehow readership just keeps soaring.  Maybe I have hit on something, maybe I am so frank, so honest, so open people are intrigued by what I will say next. Maybe it is because I talk about fashion or things that intrest me.  Maybe its becasue as Sally Field said "You like me, you really like me."  I would love to know what it is that makes you come back reading.

This weekend believe it or not was spent doing nothing more than homework.  The whole damn freaking weekend, but in all reality I know it will pay off in the end. Maybe I will make the Dean's List again this semester, maybe somebody will notice how hard I am working and how very desperately I want this more than life itself.

Maybe it will pay off in my intership when the time comes, or pay off when I go to study abroad or when I leave for the work force because people will see how dedicated I am and how badly I want it.  Facebook asks the question in some online quizzes about the people you know if they would sell everything to get successful.  The answer for me is a very simple YES! No doubt in my mind, no regret, no questions.  You get tired of being nobody.  You get tired of feeling like yo haven't made a difference.  You get tired of feeling lonely.  You get tired of not being what you want and need to be for yourself.  If so many people can do it why can't I?

I think for me the answer is I need to get more focused on how I spend alot of my time.  So many hours a day for homework, so many hours a day to write which I love and so many an hours a day to sew which for me is breathing.  To create IS LIFE, without it there is literally nothing!  Brutal isn't it?  It though is the truth and I am beginning to understand it.

I am going to go out on a limb and say at the moment I feel very desperately alone.  In the near month back in school my family has not called once to see how I am. To see how things are going in school.  To see if I am alright.  It grows tiring.  I feel like I have to "pull teeth" almost to get any response and I am tired of it beyond words.  I want people involved in my life because they want to be.  I want people to know what I am doing because they want to know.  I need somehow to know I am needed in someway and that i make the difference.  Sounds desperate doesn't it?  I guess it is, but it is the raw truth.

I have this huge project with the "Women of History Fashion Show" that I HAVE to start tomorrow or I will never get it done. I need to finish homework that is due Wednesday and frankly I need to get back to myself into the habit of meditating daily and doing yoga daily somehow.  Like I have said before and I will say it again I feel like so much of time is wasted.  How all do you feel about the time you have?  I would love knowing I am not alone.

Well until next time kids I am so glad we had this time together and I hope you have been enjoying the new mood boards I have been posting.

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