Wednesday, September 1, 2010

News of the Day

Don't ask me where August went as I have no idea, its hard to believe it is September already but by golly it is.  Yesterday I did not have a chance to post as I was busy with school starting on Monday and trying to get used to this new schedule of mine.  Give me a few more days and it will be down to a routine.

Last night I had such a nice night with the fellows from Delta Lambda Phi, the Gay/Progressive Fraternity that I am "Rushing", they had this wonderful bar-b-que which I wasn't able to stay for all of it but what a great group of guys.  Hopefully they will let me join.

Classes are going well so far, the parking at the Stark Campus which is where I am 3 days a week is an utter nightmare with nearly 5,000 students attending this semester. But I do have to say I love it.

Tomorrow will be doing a blog post about Calvin Klein and his new BOYFRIEND!  So those of you who love gossip will love this one.  Until next time, I am so glad we had this time together.

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