Sunday, September 12, 2010

News of the day

A rather quiet day with "window" antique shopping in Akron and lunch at Firehouse in Manchester.  The Firhouse in Manchester is not quite as good as the one in Zoar, so if you decide to go eat at the one in Zoar.  The dress I am working on for a possible upcoming trunk show is coming along nicely and I have the fabric and patterns drafted for the dress for my "Women in History" Fashion Show that the Fashion Student Organization is doing in October.

Between us, I have decided to recreate a dress inspired by Mary Todd Lincoln.  The gown all done in black, which of course Mary Todd wore everyday of her life after Abe died till she died. Quite the love story in my opinion, of course Mary Todd also went insane because of her grief.  I will try to post pictures as the work progresses as soon as I start it, which will be in the next day or two.

I have been giving some very serious thought about changing the name of the blog again to fit more with what the posts are.  I more than likely won't change the web address just the "home page" name.  What I am wondering does anybody haveany ideas for a blog name, if I do change.

School is going well over all and I for one am so grateful to be back, I feel more alive if that makes any sense. My Fashion Visuals first project is do, which tomorrow I will post a picture of what I did.  I have one more Honor's Frat to check out, but I think I have already made my decision.  Was also thinking of adding a side bar with what books I am reading, thought all of you might be interested.  What do you think?

Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together

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