Monday, September 27, 2010

News of the day

I am sorry not to have posted the last few days but I wasn't exactly feeling all to well.  Then you throw in that this last weekend was my crash weekend you begin to understand slightly why I didn't blog.  When I wasn't sleeping, I was studying.  I think I made up some of the sleep I have lost in the last two weeks,  I was just so utterly exhausted.

Sunday afternoon was my big night as I got pinned as an initiate to Phi Sigma Phi the honor's fraternity.  It was the whole highlight of my whole week.  I stood there slightly crying as I took the oath of secrecy and brotherhood.  It made all the work during the Spring Semester feel so worth while.  Keep your fingers crossed as I am running for the position of President and Vice President of our Class in the fraternity.  Voting I believe is this Sunday.

Needless to say I got no sewing done on the Women of History outfit done and I know I am going to pushed into some real overtime to try to get it done on time.  If I could just not feel so tired.  It may not end till the end of the semester, because of all the pending work.

Mrs Carr at Kent asked me to participate in an upcoming Coat Challenge in October.  We will be designing a Cotton Sateen Coat inspired by Jackie Kennedy Onassis.  Not only designing the coat but also a print that will be put on the fabric.  I was thrilled to be asked so I said YES!

Well for now that is it, so thank you for this time we had together.

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