Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Get a load of the fag"

Well on a personal note last night was the Phi Sigma Pi get to know all of the "brothers" who were available to be big brothers to all of the incoming Initiate Brothers---- me being one of them. 

Well last night I got really dressed up. Dark Green dress slacks, dress shoes, white dress shirt, a really beautiful checked brown tie, a cream colored suit coat complete with pocket handkerchief and a really dreamy scarf that tied all the colors together.  I parked my car in the pay lot near the Student Center at KSU and started the very short one bock walk (not even) to the Student Center where we were meeting.

Coming towards me were two gentlemen that I have never met and they were walking diagonally towards the library.  The one turns to the other and says "Get a load of the fag."  I darn near ran to the Student Center doors.  I haven't been called "a fag" in a very long time and I know that this "very nothing incident" could have been so much worse.  Today though all I kept thinking about was the young men in the last week who have all died because they were bullied.

Now granted I have a partner, loving and caring neighbors who accept me and would do anything for me and a family that overall is supportive.  I am and I know it, BLESSED beyond words!  But it shook my very core.  Maybe my attire was a little over the top but I am a FASHION DESIGN Major, hello!  I thought I looked great, I felt great. First time I felt that good about my looks in a long time and it was all taken away,  I hear those words often today "Get a load of the fag" and my heart breaks because for some gay people the teasing never ends until they take there own lives.   Will the bigotry, prejudice, teasing and hatred ever stop?  Will I live long enough to see it?  I hope so.

In the meantime I feel like doing something to make a  difference.  This post is just the start!

1 comment:

  1. OMG that is seriously ridiculous! I'm sure you looked fabulous and I wish I would've seen it! This is what happens when us FASHION majors venture to the frumpy side of campus.

    Stacey Kay
