Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Jim

I know two posts in one day, your probably thinking how in G-d's name can one queen have so much to say in one day?  Well kids, today just happens to also be my sweetie's birthday.  Jim turns sixty-nine today and I am sure he doesn't feel a day over 40.  G-d knows he acts much younger than he is and he is so physically active as well.

It is hard because this morning was my tutoring at Mason Elementary that I am doing in conjunction with my College Writing II class, than my College Writing II class and then tonight of all nights is when we meet all of the brothers/sisters of Phi Sigma Pi and we interview them to be our Big brother/sister through the inititation process.  We get the announcement of who picked us on Sunday.  This meeting starts at 5 and runs till 10 tonight which means I get home at 11.  It also means I end up with about 3 hours with Jim today.

Sorry sweetie, I know it has to be hard not having me there but it doesn't mean I love you any less.  We will have time this weekend to do something fun--maybe dinner out or something.

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