Tuesday, October 12, 2010

News of the day

Well as some of you may notice I decided to add to the side bar--- two new features.  The first is a list of what I have currently read and you will find in my personal library beside fashion magazines I subscribe to .  I thought there would be interest in what I read and those of you who read this blog often know first hand I would rather read than watch television.  All but Oprah, Glee and of course Project Runway.

The other feature I thought all of you my readers would really enjoy is a peek into what has been my most popular posts.  It has been interesting to see what you all love reading the most, some of it a little shocking some of it not.  You all seemed to love the post on Calvin Klein and Karl Lagerfeld's new boyfriends and maybe it was because I showed them near nude .

Things at school have been rather busy but in all honesty I do love it.  Will be posting pictures in the next few days of my Fashion Visuals Project where we had to use a t-shirt and to try to coney a culture.  Hopefully I get a good grade.

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