Wednesday, October 20, 2010

News of the day

I am sorry there was no post yesterday but with this massive writing paper due Friday, plus all my other homework I did not have the time to wirte anything.  I also turned in and went to bed last night at 9:30 p.m. something I hardly ever do because I was just so tired.  I think the work load is catching up and the stress, well it has been unbelievable.  Something may have to give soon, but it has been really hard to try to reach a decision of exactly what to give up to try to regain some balance in my life.  Hopefully all of you, my faithful minons of readers are not having that same problem.

Last week I was on the verge of leaving the Honor's Frat I am trying to join, after talking with our "Class advisor" I am sticking out.  Lord knows I am going to do with it all, but I feel as if I should at least try my very best.  I have made more connections and the start of what could be some great frienship if I can just hang on and get through this whole process and pass everything they require to become a brother.

Well I got back my Workroom I Sewing Technique Sample book and I am happy to say I got a very good solid B.  Makes me wonder though with my experiemce and background of sewing for 40 years how everyone else did? I would never ask mind you because well it's rude and tacky as well.  Hopefully they all did well and we started on the first real garment in that class which is a clasic kick-pleat skirt. The fabric is real cute and soon asthe project is done I will post it here.

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