Monday, November 8, 2010

Bullying Hurts: Anti-Gay Bullying Video

This video was made for my College Writing II class. We had to pick a theme within the scope of issues of children's education. With the recent and ungoing tragedies in regards to gay teen age suicide I did this. It is my hope that this little video that took HOURS to make educates, informs, angers and enlightens adults to this horrific and tragic issue.


  1. Chris DulaboneNovember 08, 2010

    "The video is awesome, and also depressing. I am impressed that you were able to
    finish it without collapsing in tears. You could have a real future in
    documentary films. Just one thing, though. There were a couple of times that I
    wished I had a "Pause" button so that I could finish reading the messages.
    Still, it is an awesome video with an important message. Thank you for sharing

  2. Michael SiewertNovember 08, 2010

    "Charlie....absolutely brilliant!"

  3. Amy Hipp-RobertsNovember 08, 2010

    Charlie the video was amazing I hope you get an A++++++ good luck

  4. Sue Dieffenbach FeaserNovember 08, 2010

    Well done Charlie...very emotional video. It is sad when young people take
    their lives because of another insensitive, rude, and ignorant person! I am sure
    it was emotional for you to make this video...bravo! Hope you got an A+.

  5. kristie daniska locyNovember 09, 2010

    Your video was incredible! My boyfriend's daughter is gay and I love her just as much as my own straight children! It opened up the perfect chance for me to talk to my youngest son who is only 11. I hope you get an A. You truly deserve it!
