Saturday, November 6, 2010

My First Mood Board for my classes

Well it's taken a little bit but finally here is the very first Mood Board I created for my Fashion Visuals Class.  This was also my first Mood Board in over twenty years, when I use to work as a window dresser for a major retail department store.  Iuse to do these boards all the time to get an overall feel how I wanted the windows to look or a specific section of the store.  It's nice being back to that time in my life, but know fashion related.  Hope you enjoy it!

"From the fine bone china and the gold gilt mirror I wanted to try to convey my inspiration from a class that very few people are in, one of extreme wealth.  The Oriental rug, the decorated porcelain plate, the mahogany chair all give us a glimpse in to the glorious past of the Rockefeller's, the Seiberling's, the Hershey's and the Vanderbilt's."

"The main inspiration for me came from a drawing of the antique dress.  Muted creams, the rust brocade, the velvet bows, and the multiple strands of pearls; this woman is clearly one of exquisite taste, style and refinement when it came time to pick her attire.  Probably direct from France and the latest style she epitomizes the mood I wanted to be inspired by to become a collection of modern clothing, that said all things I needed it to say."

"I feel that in this era of Walmart and one stop shopping many of us miss the glamour, the allure and the prestige many put into making their homes, their wardrobes and their lives.  We need to return to that time and appreciate and celebrate our abundance."

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