Wednesday, November 3, 2010

News of the day

Well I know it has been a few days again but my schedule has been crazy hectic with homework, sewing and of course writing.  Only five weeks till the semester is over and golly am I going to need the break. It will be such a relief in a way to have some down time.  Focus on some of my own personal and personal art work versus all of this assigned homework and meeting deadlines.

It has been a mixed bag of emotions for me this semsester.  The good, the bad, the emotional, the painful, the joyous and I think I am finally getting to the point where I don't have to go into everypainful, good, bad emotion for people to understand what I am saying and thinking because I think we all experience it in our own unique ways in what is our own personal world.

There is a small possibility I will viewthings differentyl this month and here after because I turn forty-four this month and if you read this blog regualrly you know what that means to me.  Since all of my gay friends from my twenties are dead from AIDS turning forty-four and the only one to do so from that group it is a milestone of sorts and some persoanl reflection which I am sure I will talk about here.

I do want to thank the over 700 readers I have had since turning 10,000 readers just a few short weeks. It does mean the world to me that so many of you turn to this blog and read.  Again I kow I would loveto hear from you my readers in what you would like to see here but for the time being I do believe I have hit on something that does make you come back and read.

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