Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quote or thought of the day

Something new I think I may want to try here.  I am currently reading "Losing Julia" by Johnathan Hull and last night I read the following........

Freud says we are anxious about sex. I think we are anxious about death said Julia.  "It colors everything."

"I haven't read much Freud," I said, remembering Daniel's description of her voracious reading habits.

"Don't you think it makes sense, that underneath everything we are all terrified of dying, only we can's bring ourselves to admit it, so we complain about everything  else?  Look at the way people live their lives, you'd think they had all the time int he world.  It drives me crazy."

"You can't expect people to dwell on the fact that they'll ultimately lose everything they have and love."

"Why not?  It might make them think about what really matters."

"What does really matter?" I asked.

So my thought for the day for you is....... What does really matter?

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