Thursday, November 18, 2010


The fine art of communication is the one thing that is lacking for many of us in our daily lives. That by limiting the way they communicate with each other is more of a harm than anything else that we are doing or may not be doing with the way they live and achieve. The use of limited communication is more of a threat than the drug dealer on the street. Lack of communication is the very under minding of a family and will unfortunately keep them in the world in which they are lving and will be living in the rest of their lives.

The family as a whole unit needs to understand that by effectively communicating with others and with themselves, we determine the quality of our very lives as well as that of our futures. By effectively communicating, it not only works for our own successes, but we need to work at how we communicate continuously to make it successful.

The limited repertoire of vocabulary skills in this instance imprisons them into a world of submissive silence that not only breaks your very soul but also undermines our very success. The sin of silence is that it makes cowards out of men. We become complacent in our very thoughts and expression of those thoughts and feelings. If we cannot bring about those emotions in words, how does that affect our very lives? How does it affect our futures if we foolishly remain silent? Does it affect our own confidence in our abilities and ourselves? Are our family members in the our household suffering because they are not talking effectively with each other in open and honest ways? Are these surface connections denying them the rare capacity to connect with each other beyond all odds? Are we then denying ourselves to give freely of ourselves to those who have worked to make our lives what they are today? By doing so are we denying the very future of not only ourselves but also the next generation?

Possibly we are very happy with they way we interact with each other. Possibly all of our verbal and emotional needs are being met. Possibly we know no other way. However, the right words, said the right way, at the right time can change your life completely … or at least give you a new lens and a new vantage point that was not there before. We might be providing that new lens and new vantage point but are they providing themselves the skills to be productive in instances outside of family, friends and the home. If our limited use of speech continues, no one will honestly know if all of our needs are being met collectively let alone individually.

There is no greater unbearable agony like your own untold story. By not speaking or expanding on what is said we are in fear that our words will not be welcomed, we will not be heard. But when we remain silent we still remain in the recesses of that same fear. We remain silent when we are afraid...afraid of what we do not know, afraid of what others will think of us, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we remain silent, the thing we fear grows only stronger. Will this silence ever end?

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