Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thought of the day

Another quite and thought of the day from "Losing Julia" by Jonathon Hull.

"The bravest and the meekest were the first to die.  The rest of us tried our best not to look like cowards but sometimes, when asked to charge a German Maxim nestled in a concrete bunker surrounded by three belts of wire, a man would shit his pants and there was no stopping it.  The body goes beserk like an animal being dragged kicking and whining to the slaughter house."

"We were all in awe of the stretcher-bearers, who as a matter of principle would risk everything to bring back the wounded and even the dead.  I often looked into their eyes as they headed out and wondered why men will risk almost certain death in an attempt to save other men.  I decided it was because men will do anything to give their lives some meaning and virtue, especially if it looks like they'll die anyway."

So what thing either already in your life, or you are wanting in your life, would you be willing to die for?

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