Monday, November 8, 2010

Thoughts of the day

It's been a crazy few days with two homework projects taking a total of TWENTY hours to complete.  I know that sounds like a lot but there were problems with my desk top computer and my saving the video for my College Writing Class.  So after hours of work I had to literally start all over again.  Fourteen hours of work and I still have to put in the credits for all the photographs and figures I found.

My bullying paper I mentioned I got a B- on because I forgot and did not turn in the rough draft so my grade was the B- instead of the A- if I had.  Won't being doing that again trust me!  I also want to thank everyone for their positive feedback and support about the asignment, it means the world to me.

I have been in a very odd mood the last few days very quiet in person with very little to say for the most part.  This is not my normal self but it is hard explaining what is going on in my head.  I feel it boils down to a very hard fact for me..... that for whatever over all reasons their are, I feel like I am looking at my own life from the outside and not really living it.  There seems to be for me a general feeling at time that I am not being heard and this "perception" that people simply don't care.

It has been bleak to say the least and I just deeply wish I had that one person I could say anything and everything to and they wouldn't judge me but just deeply listen, let me cry and support me.  That this person wouldn't need prodded that they some how would know when I need that true friend. I know that maybe asking for a lot in one person but I feel like it is really the one thing I want  most for my birthday on the sixteeneth.

Until next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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