Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Do you still believe?

I stood off to the side just watching
The line formed off to the right
A good hundred people deep.
The yearning anticipation filled the air.
His glimmer never faltered
The magic twinkle still in his eye
Even though children's fears
Resulted in screams and crying.
He smiled the entire time.

I stood there wondering
Do I still believe?
In miracles and hope.
In faith and the good will of all mankind?
That we can achieve peace and fulfillment.
I wondered can he really know
What I need for Christmas?
Does this forty-four year old
Still believe in Santa?

I stood there just watching
Him create that wonderful feeling
For each and every person
Young or old who sat in his lap.
The twinkle fully alive and bright
The magic silenced the air around me.

I stood there crying
Needing to believe more than ever
Wanting to sit in his lap
With every fiber of my being
Reveal my deepest darkest wish
With no regret or remorse
I never got the courage
To leave my spot
To sit in his lap once more.

Do I still believe
All these years later
I think I am beginning to, once again believe.

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