Friday, December 31, 2010

Newest family member----OZMA

If you are "friends" with me on Facebook then this is not really new news but something I felt I should share here. So Wednesday Jim and I went down to Berlin,Ohio the heart of Holmes County Amish Country for lunch and to visit friends along with some window shopping.  Doesn't sound life altering right?  Well this last summer Jim was thinking of getting another dog and well sure enough Wednesday we did.  She is just simply adorable.  A three month female Shi Itzu I decided to name-----Ozma.  Of course after the Fairy Ruler of the Land of Oz, what else would you expect from an all out Oz nut.  Fashion is just a part of my life while Oz is another, a rather big part but what the heck. 

I had at one point of calling her "Maggie" after Margaret Hamilton--the Wicked Witch of the West and Flower pot munchkin Margaret Pelligrini.  So maybe maybe "Maggie" shouldbe her middle name .  Judy Garland also sings a song titled "Maggie May".  But I wanted something a little more Oz identified so Ozma it was.

Anyway we have never had a puppy this little before so its an adjustment, outside every two hours, trying to house break/potty train her, sleeping the whole night through and of course getting use to her sisters Jackie, Glinda and Toto.  Our second full day here and off she goes exploring everything.  Anyway--here are her first "baby pictures"......

Isn't she a cutie bug??  Jackie turned 10 on Christmas and is kind of giving me this eye roll of  " Oh G-d here we go again with another damn dog".  While Glinda--who is 6-- is still the very jealous type and we have some minor growling snapping issues with "Baby Ozma" and Toto--who is we think 5--- seems to care less.  I know it will be a few days before everybody settles in but "Dad"--me of course couldn't be more proud.  That now makes three "priceless" Oz collectibles. 

Jackie came into our lives before I started collecting Oz and well she is my "Doctor".  She knows when I am going to be sick and before I do.  Her and I have been through four times of having pneumonia, two rounds of cancer and of course all those times I was falling it was Jackie, Glinda and I.  Jackie has been my rock, my anchor through everything.

Well until next time----I amso glad we had this time together.

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