Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thought of the day---More "Losing Julia"

"Happiness to me was lying in bed with at night during a thunderstorm and feeling warm and dry and knowing that my mother was in the next room".

"I used to curl up in bed with my dog and read him stores by candlelight."

"You read your dog stories?"

"He was a smart dog."

She smiled, then kicked away some leaves and sat down.  I sat across from her on a rock.

"Happiness is different for adults, don't you think?" she asked.  "Much too fleeting.  Like something you can't see if you stare right at it"

"I think for a lot of people happiness is just the absence of discomfort", I said

"That's not enough for me", she said".

So for today----What makes you happy?  Are you happy?  If not what would it take to give you happiness?  Is it much too fleeting?  Have you ever really ever been happy?

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