Thursday, December 2, 2010

World AIDS Day--one day late

Yesterday was just one of those long horrific days where other than class all I did was homework! One assignment, one thing ten hours and I am still not done with the damn thing!! SIGH!! Oh well, its another day right?  I wanted to take the time though and acknowledge that yesterday was Worlds AIDS Awareness Day and specific locations and specific buildings---  were lit in red yesterday to bring more awareness to AIDS.  So for Ohio that was the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.  Wondering did this idea work, because AIDS was on the news only like five seconds before they were moving on.

Now I know AIDS is very old news but really, if it is Awareness Day for something don't you talk about for more than just five freaking seconds.  Just saying---or is it just me?  Well for all my brothers and sisters and supporters  I LOVE YOU!  and Thank you for being there.

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