Saturday, January 29, 2011

An enormous thank you

I want to take the time and personally thank every single person, who takes the time to visit. and revisit and re-revisit my blog--- it is because of you that this blog has hit the 40,547 readers that I have had this month alone, which is over double of last month.  Apparently there is a real need for fashion writing and apparently I have hit on something with what I am doing here.  I am humble beyond words for your visits, your commitment to coming here and reading.  It is my deepest hope that you enjoy what you read here, see here and hear hear here.  I give it a lot of thought.  G-d bless you all--my readers.

I never thought when I made the change to writing about fashion that there would be this much interest and this many viewers of somthing I am writing and saying as well. I just write about what I like, what I see missing in other fashion blogs and especially this year in regards to men's fashion.  What is out there in the blogworld is sad and lacking in my opinion and especially a man writing about men's fashion.  Again I believe I have hit on something otherwise you all wouldn't be reading as much and as often.

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