Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Even more Baptiste Giabiconi--nude again

Ok, this post is not for everyone I know that, but sometimes you just have to you know.  Baptiste is of course "The Model" at Chanel and we love Chanel and Lagerfeld for having him on board.  Of course the pictures are not for minors and could be very questionable at work but who doesn't love stunning eye candy and Baptiste fite the bill beautifully.

Well, the previous Baptiste post has been very good to this blog being the most popular post of 2010.  So I thought why not and see if I could find more photographs of him that I really liked.  Personally my favorites o\are the ones with Baptiste in high heels shoes.  Here is hoping that Karl Lagerfeld do some wonderful things with Baptiste at Chanel.  I will be brave and say if anyone who reads this blog knows Baptiste or runs into him at one of those wonderful fashion meet and greets they sometimes do I would die for an autograph .  Until next time, I am so glad we had this time together.

1 comment:

  1. He is very erotic. That ripe sensuous body and that beautiful face. Very romantic guy.
