Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Poem

This is also for my creative writing class that I am in it is part of my Honor's Program Work that I am doing.  Once again it is taking the abstract and making it concrete.  I decided to the reverse of "More The Stone."

The Passage

Through lovers lips I do impart
I am the tender caress at the seat of thy longing soul
For love doth seek a mere mortal heart
I am the tie that binds thee
To me forever more and all eternity

I am the tears of sorrow and despair
The casket has been lowered into the ground
I am the eulogy of sorts blowing in the wind
The priest doth try to repair
Hearts that bleed, torn asunder are we

Of loving mother and child
I am in the nursery still
I am of lullabies and fairytales
To hush your loud cries of fear
I am by the side of your crib on bended knee

I am intolerable rage
I am unending anger at thy neighbor
I yield the gun
In the silent night
I end a life for all eternity

I am of race and creed
All the planets nationalities
Seeing nothing but the gulf of difference
Add religion and of course
Sexuality beyond all doubt

Whether a hang man’s noose around my neck
Or the bedside of someone one hundred and five
I am what drives man
To don white sheets
To burn the cross in a yard in depths of night

I start or end world wars
Even civil disobedience
To draw unto me or push away
All who see me in the light of day
I am truth, I am belief or I am out right lies

What will you do with me today
First thing in the morning
As your journey doth begin
Or as your head hits the pillow at night
How will I achieve or destroy

To cause war or bring about peace
The leaders of the world
Use me to inspire, to delight
To cause fear and concern
To bring about world peace

The power is on thy lips
I am waiting for thee
I am longing for the time
For you to use me
Once more through lips to pass

What poem or sonnet
Wilt I speak
From pen to paper I doth flow
Books on shelves filled
Beyond belief, wonder

The brains journey doth take flight
Do I inspire thee still
Do I destroy others in thy path
They do cross
I have yet to begin to speak

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