Monday, January 3, 2011

News of the day

Well my day or most of it was spent at Fairview Hospital to have my blood work done for an upcoming check up with my HIV doctor.  Hopefully the results will be good, I guess I wait and find out.  2011 as many of you is a big year for me, in six months I celebrate 20 years with AIDS which if I have to be honest is a little hard to believe but somehow, someway it is here.  Today I really got to thinking what that has meant for me, what it has changed and what it has meant having AIDS all these years.

(Fashion Icon and movie star Rock Hudson on the left) I know I don't put up with a lot of sh*t, or what people would call games when it comes to friendships/relationships.  I know I say what I mean and mean what I say.  I also stand behind what I say and I find it hard to put up with people who don't.  I still feel like a big part of time I am wasting more time than I would like to.

For the first time ever I feel like I actually have a life and a lot of that is simply because I am in school pursuing my dream.  If I have to be honest I am still really torn about fashion or writing.  Fashion is what I have wanted all of my life since I was really little.  Writing though has in the last 2 years become what is my life right now.  It gives me a voice, not only here on this blog but in my life.  I really feel like I have something to say.  My goal this year is to try to get some of my writing published somehow, somewhere.  I would be thrilled if it happened and I would feel like I finally have a real voice. So if all of you here of writing opportunities please feel free to forward them to me.

I know many of you are coming into this site, I am sure many of you are reading but in all honesty nearly most of the time i am the only one talking.  Maybe that is just how blogs work, but I would really love hearing from all of you.  Friendships, especially good ones are also something I really long for in the next year.  I don;t feel like I have that many.  There are some nice ones I would like to be even more than what they are, sometimes I just feel like there is no one to talk to.

Well until next time, I am so glad we had this time together

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