Thursday, January 20, 2011

Teenager Death; Friends Say Bullying May be to Blame

MILTONA, Minn. - The news of a high school student's death and rumored suicide began circling social networking sites Monday morning, after the news began spreading that 18-year-old Jefferson High School student Lance Lundsten had died over the weekend.

Around 10 p.m. Saturday the Douglas County Sheriff's Office responded to an emergency call at the Lundsten's residence in Miltona.

When officers arrived, they discovered 18-year-old Lance Lundsten needing emergency medical care. Lundsten was transported to the Douglas County Hospital where he later died.

The Sheriff's Office said Tuesday that the cause of Lundsten's death was yet to be determined. Authorities had been working with the Douglas County Medical Examiner's Office to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death.

In an interview Wednesday morning, Douglas County Medical Examiner Dr. Mark Spanbauer said the preliminary autopsy report showed the teen did not die from an enlarged heart.

The teen's heart was slightly enlarged, but that finding was a secondary finding to an undetermined cause, according to Spanbauer.

Spanbauer said what actually caused Lundsten's heart to slightly swell was not yet known, as the final autopsy report was still in progress.

"He was a small young man. His heart showed slight swelling," Spanbauer said. "It was slightly enlarged. This was a secondary finding."

Spanbauer was waiting for the results of Lundsten's toxicology report before stating an official cause of death.

According to his Facebook page, Lundsten was openly gay. On a Facebook memorial page in Lundsten's honor, friends said that Lundsten had been bullied at school for his sexual orientation. Some students who knew Lundsten believed the bullying may have led to his death.

Another Jefferson High School student started a Facebook group in direct response to Lundsten's death called the Jefferson Anti-Bully Coalition.  Its founder, Morgan Hauer posted on the Jefferson Anti-Bully Coalition page Sunday night:

"So everyone, i may have started this group, but it really means nothing unless we take action. words, speeches and petitions can get us far, but the only real way to stand up to bullying is to stop bullying other people, stand up for those being bullied and let authoritative figures know whats going on. without you, this whole idea is pointless and a very beloved schoolmate will have died in vain.  Don't let that happen, we owe at least that much to Lance and everyone else who is, was, or will ever be bullied.  Thank you, Group Founder, Morgan Hauer."
Since this story's initial report, a gay recent graduate of Jefferson High School student told KSAX-TV about his experiences, and how he was bullied at the school and no one listened.

"Bullying is a huge issue, particularly with the youth in our country now," Facilitator of the Diversity Resource Action Alliance Shari Maloney said. "I think because we're in central Minnesota, and we aren't as diverse as some of the larger Metropolitan areas are, someone who is different maybe draws more attention and it's not always positive."

Maloney said she works everyday to make Alexandria a more accepting place for community members and visitors. She said she has seen improvement, but there is still a long way to go.

"I think we are a welcoming community, but I think we are also a very traditional community as well," Maloney said. "As the world changes, I'm not sure if we're changing."

In a letter to staff and media, District 206 Superintendent Terry Quist responded to the teen's death, and the  accusations of alleged bullying at the school. Senator Al Franken discusses legislation to protect students from being bullied in the classroom because of their sexual orientation.

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