Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tom Ford and Partner Richard Buckley on Cover of "Out"

OUT editor Aaron Hicklin writes to tell me that the magazine decided to do away with its annual swimsuit issue this year in favor of one focusing on couples and relationships.
On its cover is this portrait, shot by Tom Ford, of Ford and his partner Richard Buckley.
Writes Ford, as one of 23 "love stories":
"One of the things that always amuses me -- amuses isn’t even the right word, because it doesn’t amuse me -- but often, I’m at dinner parties with very close friends, straight, and they realize that Richard and I have been together 24 years, and the response is often, "Wow, you guys have been together 24 years! That’s so amazing. I don’t think of gay men being together that long." And I’m, like, "Why? What are you talking about?" Some of the longest relationships I know of are same-sex couples. A lot of my straight friends have married and divorced and married and divorced in the time Richard and I have been together. I think that preconception, from even very educated liberal friends, that being gay is possibly more sex-based than emotionally based, is surprising and shocking in today’s world."

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