Friday, February 4, 2011

About Yesterday

OK I know I mentioned very briefly that I have not been well. I want to take the time here and let you all know what the hell is going on. (not me in this picture but it could be because I do sleep with my teddy bear) Sunday night I was in the emergency room with a racing heart beat, legs and arms that felt like they weighed 1,000 pounds, lose of feeling in my hands and feet, this severe pain in my chest, it hurt to breathe and my sight was unfocused and limited to about a 4 inch circle. Needless to say I was terrified since then some of the problems have gone away while the pain has not.

Thursday I had a doctor's visit and she wants to run an entire battery of tests to try to figure out what it is and she doesn't buy into the emergency room diagnosis of a "viral cold/mylasia". I guess I wait and see. Thursday I also attended one of my classes as EXHAUSTED. So yesterday was just the worst and I spent the entire day in bed. This whole thing has me extremely worried because of my two very long days in Kent and I have no idea what I am going to do once Monday comes.

If I have to be honest it has me scared and I feel like it is a HUGE setback. Needless to say I am depressed, somewhat despondent and just want it all to be over.

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