Saturday, February 12, 2011

An Enchanted Evening with Valerie Mayen

Well tonight We had tickets to see "South Pacific" which if you have the chance tomorrow go see it.  It is there last night at Cleveland Playhouse.  Anyway the main parking garage was full so we parked our car in front of Playhouse Square and while walking across the street was a sign in a formerly empty space were "Yellowcake" signs, I looked through the windows and who was standing behind the counter none other than Season Eight Project Runway Superstar VALERIE MAYEN!

Needless to say, celebrity fan that I am made a made dash leaving Jim nearly at the curb.  In the door to the counter and probably made a complete fool of myself.  But Valerie was EVER so charming, sweet, delightful and fun to be around.  Of course dizzy queen that I can be at times had no camera so Ms. Mayen grabbed what I believe to be a IPhone and offered to take a picture with me and e-mail it to me---EECCKKKK!  I was stunned. We talked a little about my blog and she actually went onto my blog with me standing there on what I believe to be the IPad.  Talk about me being speechless.  Her here in this spce, looking and briefly reading, a dream come true.

We chatted some more and while I don't want to tip my cards completely I will say you will see more of Ms. Mayen here VERY SOON.  I want to keep you all in some suspense .  She has an upcoming event at the Tremont Art Walk  which will be held March 11- 12

the address for the pop up shop is according to her

2406 Professor Street
Cleveland, Ohio (Tremont Neighorhood)

So my advice for all of you who can, GO and support Valerie Mayan get a chance to meet her, you will JUST ADORE her.  I know I do.  Thanks Valerie for making my evening truly and utterly enchanted.

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