Friday, February 11, 2011

Newest Poetry

Ok the assignment for this class poem was taking the abstract ino the concrete.  An item of our choosing, I think once you read this you will get it right away

“How Much Did I Really Embrace”

The soft morning glow washes over the sky
A quietness of pink and amber floods over my head
The futon that overlooks Santa Monica beach
My naked form sits, my eyes see the article
Of loss beyond all words and thoughts

It was in that morning glow of day
When the sun turned black as sack cloth
The whole of the hidden moon became as blood
Your presence entered into my very existence
The stars did not fall from the skies
But my life has never been the same

It spoke of a cancerous being
A shadowed affliction
Of beautiful buff bathhouse boys
Beyond the ecstasy of steam and sex
The long slow fading of us began
But it wouldn’t be me
No mere bathhouse whore boy am I

Your strong masculine form filled the patio door
Strength of wisdom the serenity of your beauty
Your nakedness evident of work, time and dedication
The whiteness of your tan lines framing your form
Is that a blemish there on you thigh
But the thoughts of the pending monster
Never crossed our minds

Two years later
Oh the fatality of it all
The script written in hell itself
The deft hands of the serial butcher
Have ripped you asunder
Torn you from the arms that love you

Ravenous sulfur smoking laughter
From the monsters mouth doth spew
After all isn’t it to be just
The beautiful buff bathhouse boys
Religious zealots enforce that theory
Can that be true, signs attest but are they right
That only faggots queers and sissy boys
Deserve this fate

A time of white lilies has come
As early as the first day dawning of spring
Forty-seven calling hours
The people who have shared my life
Only in seven weeks’ time
How did I survive
Do phantom arms hold me up

The silent serial killer stalking us
Smothering our very community in darkest byways
While in the midst of love and passion
Turning that into the cold ashen corpse
Their names sewn and filling the Mall
More than their memories buried in those left alive

The old spiritual choir long ago ended
The pews all but empty and worn
The espresso ugliness of sulfur weeping
Of deep blue demons from Hades bowels
Twenty-five years later
Millions are dead
I stopped counting my friends
Stolen from me at six hundred

I have faced this deft handed butcher of lives
Its antiquity ragged cloak weighing as lead
In the firm grip of my hands
How much have I let this demon embrace me
From within the depths of

The insane asylum that is my mind
What was the prison of the straight jacket
This evil must not take reign of my being
How much of this did I really embrace

This blue black espresso ugliness of demon
Has occupied my very body for twenty years
Pills to drown its goliath power over me
What have I learned
That the fear of this demon really is
Has been found out and I alone know it
That we are living longer than we were
The dawn of pink and amber
Once more can flood even the Castro
That the horror, the sorrow and the fear
Have all been very real
But the only power
This blue black espresso ugliness possesses
Is now and forever more
Only what we give it

How then can my brothers you
Not know of this serial butcher with deft hands
That we flock back to the ecstasy of steam and sex
To what was the horrors of the underground
No more just beautiful buff bathhouse boys
The rampant serial butcher of children in Africa
Thousands slaughtered in India the hatchets man’s dream come true
Have we forgotten the blue black espresso ugliness
Of that demon
Or is he after all under control only his voice left
Inside my head

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