Thursday, February 17, 2011

Newest Poetry

This came last night while trying to finish reading "The Lonely Well" by Radclyffe Hall

From our faraway childhood homes
Raised in love and glory
From the womb we came
Born this way
No choosing of our own, but divine plan

What knew we of difference
Of the branding in our hearts
The searing of our minds
That mad us different in our love
When were we really aware of it
Can we remember when we found the words

I am sure we can easily remember
When others saw the branding of our hearts
The voices of hatred began
During recess, on the ride home on the bus
Your a faggot, sissy queer boy
Does you mother know your a queen

The scars are numerous
The burden a heavy weight to bear
It did get only worse
Others moved away cutting all ties
The past forgotten

Moving to big cities
New York City, Cleveland, San Fransisco
Palm Springs, Washington D.C.
Our trip through the rainbow
To become friends of Dorothy
Filling our lives with Pride

Some took action, became involved
Stonewall, ACT UP, Queer Nation
Others ran for office and held seats
G-d bless you Harvey Milk
Drag queens who threw bricks
Our brothers fighting for research

Some of us destroyed ourselves
To many trips to drown our sorrows
The bars, the booze, the pills
Others who had endless parades
Of men in our beds needing no names
No questions asked no answers needed

Amidst all the rampant sex
Of fearless faceless frenzy fucking
A demon entered our lives
The senseless butcher
My brothers, my brothers all dead
Our passions fire died

Regan said nothing for years
One complex drug was all we had
The brave, the strong, the beautiful
Became the withering, the dead, the lost
Our Ozian cities hit the hardest
No mere Emerald City dream anymore

Nearly thirty years have passed
Our history at times forgotten
Brothers stories take to the grave
Locked in wooden caskets
Buried under the Western castle
Was it our wickedness this we caused

Have we forgot the price
We have painfully paid to be
Who we simply are
Bisexual Boys
Lesbian Ladies
Transsexual Folk

Gay is more than happy
This mush is true
Our history full and rich
Of great joy and success
Tremendous loss and unspeakable pain
The lessons we have learned

The story we MUST share
I urge you with all my might
Be vocal, be diligent, be heard
Hide no more in our closets
It will get better
The fight has only just begun

So much to do
To be accepted
To fully and freely love
To make the difference
For those that follow
It's all we can leave behind

There's no place like home
Home is where the heart is
There's no place like home
Such a place does exist
There's no place like home
Come on Toto, let's go HOME

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