Thursday, February 10, 2011

News of the day

Well my computer guy comes tomorrow to fix my laptop and things should be back to normal for this blog, I am sorry for any inconvenience.  I also go tomorrow to a neurologist/fibromyalgia specialist as well and hopefully something will come of the visit in regard to the pain I am in since my trip to the emergency room last week.  I ended up dropping my Introduction to Fashion Drawing Class because of the 10 to 11 hour day each Monday and Wednesday would have been.  The pain in my chest makes that kind of day impossible to say the very least.  At first I saw it as a huge setback but now after thinking about it, I have to take care of myself before anything else, otherwise no classes right?

This afternoon walking to my car in the parking lot at KSU Stark I got rather dizzy (something that last year was rather intruding), lost my balance, while on an icy patch and fell flat on my back.  Last thing I needed with this chest pain I know but, everything seems fine.  Just really sore, black and blue to a samll degree and of course my ego is more hurt than anything else.  I guess it could have been worse right?

I have some things in the work hopefully for here on my blog and I don't want to reveal my cards to soon and jinx anything in the process.  Just join me in hoping it all works out.  In the meantime thank you for your understanding support and I will see you all tomorrow.

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