Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Perry Ellis Men's Wear FALL 2011

I have to go on record here and simply say that I do like the simplicity of what this collection is. While a lot of the collection are items that could be from any other designer line, from any other year what I do admire is the timelessness that is this years Perris Ellis Collection. While a fan of the clean, classic, timelessness that can be men's wear I also adore the edgy, the avante garde that can be some men's wear. If only some of the more "classic" designers could get some of that "edginess" and make it relevant to what could be the reinvention of the classic.

I am sure some of you may be scratching your heads at those statements but doesn't it seem to some of you that men's wear can be and normally is a rather "safe" palette of ideas? I am not saying it is right or wrong what I wonder is why is that? Why is it at the appearance level that men's clothing basically is the same ideas over and over again for the last fifty some years? There are those that push the comfort level of men's wear but in my opinion we need more.  Can you imagine Betsy Johnson doing men's wear?  What I wouldn't do to have her design men's wear.

Can it be men are so comfortable with the familiar, the tried, the true that they dare leave all of that comfort to be more forward in their thinking. We need more men to embrace just even the simplest of things---COLOR. That in itself would turn men's wear on its head. Why can't we add elements of women's wear "thoughts/ideas" into men's wear? I am not talking men in dresses but some of the aesthetics's, lines, colors a more gender neutral thinking. Just a thought, but is that thought the demasculination of men over all? Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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