Monday, February 21, 2011

Yet even more Dolce and Gabbana Menswear 2011

I know I cover a lot of Dolce and Gabbana, but honestly I LOVE the stuff.  I don't any D&G but golly do I love it.  Anyway after meeting for lunch my frined at we got to chatty about photographs and stories I was sitting on just waiting to be published and well this one came.  Now, you all need to know how much I adore Stacey at Goodwill Huntingg because, she looked me straight in the eye and said "Charlie, everybody loves really good looking near naked men" ( I maybe paraphrasing here but this was the geneal idea).  I had to agree with her. 

 It was funny because we had Mexican and she had already eaten and the guy behind the counter asked "What you like Miss?" and Stacey was like "Oh I ate earlier" and before she said anything more I added "She's with me." I had to share with her later that was the first time I had said that line...."She is with me" since my senior prom.  Oh well the life of your typical gay guy

Anyway what I like the most about these ads/photogrpahs is if you tore them out of the Dolce and Gabbana Look Book or printed them out on regualr photograph paper is they would make beautifulframed artwork.Thanks again for today Stacey!

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