Thursday, March 24, 2011

Margie Phelps vs. Elizabeth Taylor

The Westboro Baptist Church is once again picketing a funeral, this time late actress Elizabeth Taylor’s.  The Kansas-based organization is behind the “God Hates Fags” signs and have picketed many U.S. soldiers’ funerals including blocking their burials. Most people don’t make their version of Heaven’s guest list, and they were even at Elizabeth Edwards’ funeral last year.

Margie Phelps, the daughter of Westboro leader Fred Phelps, had some not-so-nice things to say about the acting legend after she died Wednesday of congestive heart failure.

No RIP Elizabeth Taylor who spent her life in adultery and enabling proud fags. They cuss her in hell today. #Westboro will picket funeral!” she tweeted.

Taylor had seven husbands and was married eight times (twice to Richard Burton). She was also one of the first celebrities to help victims of AIDS, and set up the successful Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation.
A statement released by Taylor’s family says that a private funeral will be today.

Since this is my blog and my space to speak my mind I am going to.  I have been reading Paul Monette for over a month now, four books total for a report I am going to do in my GLBTQ Literature class and a long the way I forgot how angry I really am about the whole AIDS Crisis.  Paul wrote angrily nearly 20 years ago  how so very little was being done. That the same hateful Nazi spewing vile bigot Fred Phelps is and now psychopath lunatic bitch daughter is also speaking nonstop.  These people need to shut the fuck up once and for all!  Period!  No questions asked! I have had my fill of it over the last twenty years.

Picketing Matthew Shepard's trial and funeral, picketing rallies and speeches for equality, picketing AIDS funerals and soldier's funerals, protesting Elizabeth Edward's funeral and now Elizabeth Taylor's funeral is to much to bear.  These people are vile, evil, hatemongers plain and simple and you know something those of us who are the loudest, bravest, biggest faggots, drag queens, leather men, dykes on bikes, Soldier Widow's and anyone else affected by this vile group should picket and protest as loud as we can for the next 100 years till these people fade away!

Freedom of  speech, my ass--- these people aren't even christian in my opinion.  These people would picket Christ's funeral in all honesty because lets face it his best friend was a whore, he hung out with lepers, he healed people on Sunday's, he hung out with 12 guys all the time, threw out money monger's out of the temple along with I am sure a slew of other things they would disagree with.  ENOUGH ALREADY!

Lets set the example that this behavior once and for all is NOT NOW OR EVER acceptable!  That we have a voice, we will be heard, we will shut their their doors and we will no longer be silent.  Thirty years of AIDS and there is still no cure, people are still dying and the sad thing is that the majority of the public who believe that this is a manageable disease is sick of hearing about it.

Well let me tell you something, it has been my god damn life that they are talking about a life I have been very blessed to have lived the last twenty years. All of my friends in their twenties when we were diagnosed are all FUCKING dead every single one of them before they hit even 35.  I can count six people counting myself that I know who have lived twenty years or more and let me tell it is not manageable by any long shot.

$7,000 a month in medications, $5,000 blood test every ninety days, $200 per doctor visit, the $60,000 I have had in radiation treatments for AIDS Related cancer, the over 600 friends, co-workers, acquantances I have buried because of AIDS, the four hospital satys I have had in the last four years and I could go on and yet it is manageable.  Am I mad, your damn right I mad and I am tired of not saying anything about it, doing anything about it and so should you!  It beyond time to once again to take to the streets and ACT UP, Fight Back and FIGHT AIDS!

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