Monday, April 11, 2011


It been very hard this week in the hospital, but supposedly the resuls from the Spinal Tap are back today and if they are I could go home according to the doctor yesterday.  Yea I know a doctor in on a Sunday, and an AIDS doctor to boot.  Of course I asked last night for medication to sleep as I couldn't and sit here typing this on pins and needles.

I haveto ask him today if I am released when I can goback to school as the semester ends at the end of the month and all but one class, blieve it or not I am CURRENT!  I know even in the hospital bed I was working on papers for school.  Talk about your crazy dedication but I realized I want to write so badly.  I want to say what I need to and I need to do it before I nolonger can.  Well for those you keep coming back I appreciate it more than you know.  Hopefully readrship numbers will pick up again and I know a lot ofit depends on me so I am dedicated to break my high record of readers in a month if I can.  Until next time

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