Saturday, April 16, 2011

Newest Poetry

A life filled with silent yearning desire
Burning, churning, building and evolving
In this state of loneliness how I long
Crave that feeling of completeness
Of wholeness that I know I need

From within the torturous pain of
Solitude and silence my heart calls
For a touch, an embrace, a kiss
To know that if even it is briefly
I am desirable, I am needed
 am wanted, that you crave me

To hold me in your arms just once
Your eyes melt into mine with a glance
Fingers in my hair
Lips pressed against mine for now
The sense of wholeness
A completed oneness
Bodies melded together for a moment

Your fingers undoing my buttons
Of a crisp white cotton shirt
It falling off my needing shoulders
Tender kisses from your lips
Scattered like petal on my chest
I moan in delight under your touch
Speak but once my name of
Passion turned to love

My eyes pleading for you
To need more than just this time and space
Your yearning matching mine
Not just the moment of sexual urgency
Your hands cradle my face
My thoughts say my unspoken words
I need you to really love me

To fall madly, deeply, passionately
Head over heels, spiritually, morally,
Ethically sexually fall in love with me
My heart needs mended
A life that's been torn asunder
G-d I crave you to say and mean
Those three little words.....
I love you!

Carry me not just to your bed
But into the depths of your heart and soul
I need thee like no other before or since
Our eyes first met it was love at first sight for me
Embrace me in your arms
I beg of thee, Oh how I needest thee
Once in your bed I am yours
Smother me in kisses, caress my naked flesh
Make me long for you to take me
To the brink of ecsasy and back
My darling, my beauty can you but please
Love me true

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